
I'm Esther.
Mother of two little darlings.
Blissful married to M.
I'm just a typical women who loves to eat, sleep & play.


Shopping for CNY clothing

Head to vivo for cny clothing. We spent quite alot on there. Me, the two girls clothing cost alot. Hohohoh!! Sound as if im the 财神爷 distributing the money ya? Hahaha!!
M didnt bought any. Poor him. He accompany us walk all around. Mango, zara all having 50-70% sales.
Came back home granda ask tongtong where she went. She told him we went to look for hello kitty. >.< Naive her!! Her mind she simply cant get enough of hello kitty .
M suggest to me. Our future house to be. The girls room wallpaper/painting w hellokitty head with princess body/ princess head with hello kitty body. Omfg! Sounds wierd to me! But combination = hellokitty princess. Lolol!
End my day with two lil cheeky~